A context-aware L1 blockchain protocol that is paving the way for the new era of interaction-centric computing by introducing participant as a fundamental new dimension into computation.
– Each user gets their own personalized blockchain catered to their specific needs which makes it faster than a database, making it very flexible
– Leverage dynamic shards and participant state channels for different purposes, from DeFi, gaming, storage, to Web3 computing in a single chain with dynamic participant preferences
– Transact across millions of nodes with billions of transactions based on the users’ digital footprint in a single flat-chain. Context, the new participant level super-state, will allow for a user to work across networks easily and seamlessly with the ability to safely transfer assets and values from one person to another person in any chain without the need for multitude of bridges.
Momentum 6, a top crypto fund based out of the Middle East, has backed the organisation with US$ 500,000.00 to develop the world’s first context-aware p2p network.